Fundraising Committee
Concession Stand
Opening Duties
Track & Hot Chute area blown off.
Flags put out at the flag stand.
Turn power on for flag stand.
Hang Fire Extinquishers.
Put out yellow corner work vests.
Put up Victory Lane sign,
Garbage cans moved to postitions in parking lot and by concession stand & bleachers,
Open scale shed and take out items to make easier to go thru for scales & tech.
Closing Duties
Closing items are just opposite of opening:
Put Garbage cans all together near end of hot chute.
Pick up trash left around fence line, under bleachers & parking lot.
Put away flags from the flag stand, turn switch on flag stand off.
Put away fire extinguishers.
Put away corner worker vests.
Take down Victory Lane sign if not racing the next day,
Put everything in the scale shed.
Turn off the track lights.
Lock the track gate.